Ukukhetha okukhulu kunakho konke emhlabeni kwezingxenye ze-elekthronikhi ezisesitokweni ukuze zithunyelwe ngokushesha!
Ukuze uhlale uhlangabezana noma udlule okulindelwe ngamakhasimende.
I-E-XFL.COM ingumsabalalisi ogunyaziwe wezingxenye ze-elekthronikhi kubahlinzeki abangaphezu kuka-400 abahamba phambili embonini.


SINBON has successfully transformed over the years to provide complete solutions to its customers.  Founded in the late 80’s, they have become a leading provider if integrated design and product services in a variety of industries including automotive, aerospace, industrial controls, medical devices as well as consumer electronics.  SINBON is committed to product R&D to keep in line with the rapid pace of the technology industry and ever increasing market demand, thereby being able to provide customers a robust range of value added products and services.

Imikhiqizo ebukiwe



$0.00 (not set)

Ukuhlolwa Kwekhwalithi Yengcweti

Iwaranti Yonyaka Wonke

Ukuthola usizo Lomhlaba Wonke

Usekelo Lwekhasimende Lomjikelezo Wonke
