Ukukhetha okukhulu kunakho konke emhlabeni kwezingxenye ze-elekthronikhi ezisesitokweni ukuze zithunyelwe ngokushesha!
Ukuze uhlale uhlangabezana noma udlule okulindelwe ngamakhasimende.
I-E-XFL.COM ingumsabalalisi ogunyaziwe wezingxenye ze-elekthronikhi kubahlinzeki abangaphezu kuka-400 abahamba phambili embonini.

Kycon, Inc.

Kycon began operations in 1988 with the goal of supplying cost effective interconnect solutions of the highest quality and with the best delivery record in the industry. The company operates from its headquarters in Morgan Hill, California, with sales representatives and distributors throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. Kycon’s impressive year-to-year increase in sales reflects the company’s steadily growing product line, custom design capability, and customer service orientation. Kycon initially started providing D-sub connectors in 1988. Throughout the years our product lines have expanded to include modular jacks, mini-dins, audio jacks, DC power connectors, USB, IEEE 1394, HDMI™, and optical audio, as well as custom cable assemblies. We dedicate ourselves to providing the widest range of connectors within each product line we supply. Kycon has always been a leader in introducing newer technologies within existing lines. We have and will continue to introduce technologies for a variety of applications in which our products can be used. Ferrite filters, PC99, high temperature plastic on through hole components and insert molded contacts for HDMI™ were all introduced by Kycon long before our competitors.

Imikhiqizo ebukiwe

Kycon, Inc.


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Kycon, Inc.


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Kycon, Inc.


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Kycon, Inc.


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Kycon, Inc.


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Kycon, Inc.


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Kycon, Inc.


$0.00 (not set)
Kycon, Inc.


$0.00 (not set)
Kycon, Inc.


$0.00 (not set)
Kycon, Inc.


$0.00 (not set)

Ukuhlolwa Kwekhwalithi Yengcweti

Iwaranti Yonyaka Wonke

Ukuthola usizo Lomhlaba Wonke

Usekelo Lwekhasimende Lomjikelezo Wonke
