Ukukhetha okukhulu kunakho konke emhlabeni kwezingxenye ze-elekthronikhi ezisesitokweni ukuze zithunyelwe ngokushesha!
Ukuze uhlale uhlangabezana noma udlule okulindelwe ngamakhasimende.
I-E-XFL.COM ingumsabalalisi ogunyaziwe wezingxenye ze-elekthronikhi kubahlinzeki abangaphezu kuka-400 abahamba phambili embonini.

Koehlke Components

Koehlke is an engineer’s one-stop resource for purchasing standard and developing custom interconnects and assemblies to be used in a vast array of applications. This is possible because of Koehlke’s investment in its extensive onsite resources, including a warehouse filled with stocked inventory, assembly production floor and a machine shop, fiber optics capabilities, and a fabrication center, all equating to faster turnaround and competitively-controlled costs for the customer. As a result, Koehlke is an approved, preferred supplier to leaders in every industry.

Imikhiqizo ebukiwe

Koehlke Components


$0.00 (not set)

Ukuhlolwa Kwekhwalithi Yengcweti

Iwaranti Yonyaka Wonke

Ukuthola usizo Lomhlaba Wonke

Usekelo Lwekhasimende Lomjikelezo Wonke
