Ukukhetha okukhulu kunakho konke emhlabeni kwezingxenye ze-elekthronikhi ezisesitokweni ukuze zithunyelwe ngokushesha!
Ukuze uhlale uhlangabezana noma udlule okulindelwe ngamakhasimende.
I-E-XFL.COM ingumsabalalisi ogunyaziwe wezingxenye ze-elekthronikhi kubahlinzeki abangaphezu kuka-400 abahamba phambili embonini.

Bourns Inc.

Bourns, Inc. has been leading the electronics industry in the design, manufacture and sale of electronic components and integrated solutions since its inception in 1947 by Marlan and Rosemary Bourns. As an industry innovator, Bourns targets product development at high-growth industries such as computers, telecommunications, automotive and portable electronics. Bourns established a benchmark for the quality, value and innovation of its products and services early in the Company’s history with the 1952 introduction of the Trimpot® line. This was the world’s first patented trimming potentiometer. Bourns dedication to excellence ensures the continuous improvement of its products and services to satisfy customers on a global basis. Bourns philosophy is founded upon product quality, dependable delivery and the best overall value for its worldwide customers. In addition to maintaining global manufacturing and customer support capabilities, Bourns invests heavily in the development of technologies and the expansion of its manufacturing capabilities to meet customers’ changing needs. Through this continuous investment, Bourns drives the trend toward component miniaturization. The Company’s commitment to quality is demonstrated in its manufacturing operations, which meet QS 9000 and ISO 9001/2000 certifications.

Imikhiqizo ebukiwe

Bourns Inc.


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Bourns Inc.


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Bourns Inc.


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Bourns Inc.


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Bourns Inc.


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Bourns Inc.


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Bourns Inc.


$0.00 (not set)
Bourns Inc.


$0.00 (not set)
Bourns Inc.


$0.00 (not set)
Bourns Inc.


$0.00 (not set)

Ukuhlolwa Kwekhwalithi Yengcweti

Iwaranti Yonyaka Wonke

Ukuthola usizo Lomhlaba Wonke

Usekelo Lwekhasimende Lomjikelezo Wonke
